
Baby Lyons | Week 21

How far along? 21 weeks

Size of baby: A pomegranate (10.5 inches, 12.7 oz) 

Gender: Well, this would have been our week to find out - we had our anatomy scan on Monday - but we kept our eyes closed {during that part of the ultrasound} and didn't peak. We're just so happy to have seen a healthy heart and a little wiggle worm, keeping the ultrasound tech on her toes for sure. :)

Weight Gain: We are defiantly growing - we as in me - I am up 15 pounds total. A little motivation to get back to the gym I suppose.

Maternity Clothes: O yes! Still getting by with dresses, tights and flowy tops - but my maternity leggings, workout tights and pants have defiantly come in handy!

Nursery:  Is starting to get organized. Somewhat. We did pick up a few odds and ends last week that I can't wait to share.  

Movement: The ultrasound tech was able to see that the baby is hiding behind the placenta, which is why I haven't been able to feel much of anything. Every now and then I get a little nudge. But after seeing the ultrasound, we know that baby is moving all over the place these days - so that was a happy! 

Symptoms: Very odd symptoms this week. Noticed a couple moles that have started growing bigger - that the doc says is completely normal - thank goodness. Waking up with a nosebleed most every morning, some are just small amounts, but still there. The past few mornings, I've woken up to a sharp pain in my ribs/stomach area. Doc says it's just my stomach muscles growing and stretching out - or maybe my belly growling. It's just funny. Laying on my back is totally out of the question now - after about 5 minutes I get lightheaded and hot.  

Sleep: Overall sleeping pretty good. An extra pillow is helping hold up the belly a little. 

Workouts: Getting back to the swing of things. Made it to the gym a couple times and out for a few walks and runs this week. It's defiantly getting harder, and I get tired much quicker - but taking it slow and pacing myself. 

Cravings: Salads, fruit, smoothies, peanut butter, yogurt and granola. Oddly enough, pretty healthy. I felt like I was constantly hungry all weekend - and really couldn't find a way to keep my belly full. So, trying to stick to more hearty snacks with lots of protein that fill me up! 

What I Miss: Sleeping on my back and belly. 

Best Moment This Week: LOVED our anatomy scan on Monday! It was such a re-assuring feeling to see that lil cub on the screen moving all around. We have lots of pictures of hands, feet, legs, heart, spine - and a cute little profile shot for the baby book. Look at that adorable nose. 

Looking Forward To: Our trip to Nashville this weekend to spend time with one of my besties and her new beau. Spending a weekend in my old stopping grounds is just what the sole needs - a little country music and lots of good food! 


  1. Great post Tracy! I'm so happy you and your little guy or gal are doing and feeling good! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy Nashville - lots of love!

  2. You look adorable!! I am so excited for you guys to not know.. I don't think I could do that but to know all that matter is the baby is healthy !! Happy Friday
    Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com
