
Annalee takes Ballet

It's time for ballet!

We decided that it was time for Annalee to have some after-school social time to get her used to other kids, instruction, group activities and the like. I found a 'creative movement' class at our local ballet studio that allows 2 year olds to participate, so we signed her up and just like that, we have a little ballerina on our hands.
Hadley and Annalee watching the big girls!

We have a ways to go before any actual ballet instruction takes place... but they do cute little walks and dances. They learn how to sit and listen, play with props, etc.
tu-tu cute!

We are still working on the sit and listen part, but every week we get a little better. We are on week 3 and this time she actually participated in the dancing portion of class, wore a tutu for a little while, and did a curtsey at the end of class for a sticker.
Bonus - I only had to chase her out of the room once!

At least we have some cute pictures to show for it, right?


  1. Yes adorable pictures! Tu tu cute! ;)

  2. Oh Tracy, this is so good for her and Hadley!!! Our twin girls started Ballet "movement" very early and they just loved it. Whether or not they stay with it isn't important, just the exposure is so worthwhile!!! The girls are so cute.....will be besties for sure!!!! I can tell little Annalee is a little Mom to Ford!!! fyi - one of my twins went from ballet to horseback, tap & diving, cheerleading & theatre. The other stayed with ballet all the way through HS along with gymnastics & cheerleading.

  3. This is cute and cool.. Thank you for sharing..
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