This was my Five from last Friday.... so now we have five on Tuesday.
{one} This pillow. It just makes my heart so happy! Thanks to my bestie, who knows my love for pineapples - it's the perfect addition to Annalee's room.
{two} This gal has been cracking us up all week. Her little personality is shining through more and more every day. Spunky. Cuddly. and full of life! She also wants to feed herself these days. So big! How did this happen?
Some of my favs: Summertime jams from Target and Pelican jammies from Carter
{four} How amazing is this weather? Umm... yes please. Give me more 75 degree sunny days and cool nights! We have been trying to get out for walks every night. One night and stopped and ran around in the grass on the front lawn of W&L. When did my child get so big?? And a couple nights we pulled her highchair outside and had supper on the porch. because, why not?

Tonight after work we are looking forward to hanging out with our friends that live on the river... my dream is that one day we will have oceanfront property. But for now... we'll pretend on the Maury River is it.
....and the best news!
{five} Two of my besties welcomed baby boys last Monday and Tuesday! Welcome to he world baby Henry James and James Hudson! Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1: 17
Fitting names for both beautiful boys. They were born less just 20 hours apart... one in VA and one in NYC.
James Hudson
Henry James
I can't wait to snuggle you both. Be good to your momma's and give them some rest, ya here?
Happy Tuesday friends!!
Love the life update! And two babies in 20 hours! Too fun!